Sanjay Gandhi National Park

Location: Most Popular Access from Borivali East, off Western Express Highway

Best Time: Round the year; but best is Monsoon and Winter till March 31st.

Open to Public: Between 8:00 am to 5:30 pm.

More about the place

There are various Nature trails / Jungle hikes in SJNP, each of which can take a whole day to explore and enjoy. And even if you keep coming to the same trails again and again you would always find something new year. To name a few Jungle walks / trails “Sylonda Trail, Snake Trail, Peacock Point Nature trail, Trail to Highest Point of Mumbai, Evening Trail, Gaumukh trail, Bhoot Bangla trail etc. But exploring out most of these trails requires prior written permission with the forest department.

Flora and Fauna

SNGP is an outdoor museum that preserves and nurtures the varied flora and fauna of the area. This rich and diverse forest is home to more than 1000 species of plants, 40 species of mammals, 251 species of birds - migratory, and and water birds, 38 species of reptiles, 9 species of amphibians besides a large variety of fish, insects and other life forms.

The park is one of the few, perhaps even the only one of its kind, that is surrounded by a metropolis and sustaining a sizable population of big cat-like Panthers. Panthers are, in fact, the largest predators that roam this forest and can easily be spotted after dark, and in the hot summer months even in the afternoons as they emerge for a drink of water. Several other animals like Sambar (the largest deer in India), Spotted Deer, Chowsingha (4 horned antelope), Wild Boar, Mongoose, Civet Cat, Jungle Cat, Langurs (leaf monkeys) Macques and Peacocks may also be often encountered. Bird and insect life (especially several kinds of butterflies) thrives within the park, making it a naturalists paradise. Rocks and hills near the Kanheri Caves - a 1000 year old marvel of archeology in the heartof the park - also provide ideal spots for rock climbers and nature lovers.

 A dense population of trees and luxuriant plant life contribute to the lush and invigorating surroundings. Teak, Khair, Vad, Peepal, Umbar, Neem, Karanj and hundreds of other trees, bushes, creepers and fruit trees like Mango, Jambhul etc. grow here. Besides, the 20 km. long Thane-Bassin creek which passes through the forest is full of rich mangroves on both sides of the creek. The Tulsi and Vihar lakes situated within the park are major sources of water supply to Mumbai and Thane.

The lungs of the city

The thick forest cover of the park naturally renders an invaluable service of helping lower pollution levels in the city by supplying fresh oxygen and acting as a sink. By serving as a huge natural generator of life-sustaining oxygen, the National Park meets the need of the habitants of the region, more specifically, the twin cities of Thane and Mumbai.

Besides, the forest also constitutes an excellent catchment area for the Tulsi and Vihar lakes. If Mumbai has been saved from severe water shortages, it is largely due to the fact that these two lakes that lie within the park precincts meet 5% or more of the city's water supply needs. Mumbai, then, must always remain indebted to this unique natural heritage and protect it at all costs.

The last resort

The Sanjay Gandhi National Park is situated between the Eastern and Western Express Highways and can be accessed from Thane, Mulund, Borivili and other places, though its headquarters are on the Borivili side. Most of the park is, however, un-fenced and unprotected - thus falling easy prey to encroachers and land grabbers.

Till the not very distant past, the park was the proud home ground for a wide range of flora and fauna. But nowadays, it has gradually begun to become denuded and barren from all sides, due in large measure to the greed of land grabbers, unauthorized wood cutters, poachers and enemies of our natural resources and national wealth. The revival process is slow and adversely affected by the lack of motivation and inadequacy of resources on the part of the official machinery on the one hand, and the ignorance, indifference and basic inertia of the people on the other.

The fact remains, that if not saved from destructive forces in time, the park will be lost forever. And with it, its various inhabitants will not only be left without shelter, but will also face the risk of extinction. The Sanjay Gandhi National Park is the city's last surviving sanctuary of hope. We cannot afford to let it be threatened.

Recommended Trails:

Do it on your own

  1. Walks around the buffer zone along with Pond; till Lion Safari.
  2. Hike from National Park Main Gate will Kanheri Caves

Jungle Nature Trails and Treks (Requires permission and permits).

Nature Trails

  1. Sylonda Trail (1st Stream)
  2. Sylonda Trail (2nd Stream)
  3. Sylonda Trail (3rd Stream)
  4. Lower Jungle Trail till Kanheri 
  5. Lower Jungle Trail till Gaumukh
  6. Kanheri till Highest Point of Mumbai

  1. Sylonda Trek (2nd Stream)
  2. Sylonda Trek (3rd Stream)
  3. Lower Jungle Trail till Gaumukh
  4. Kanheri till Highest Point of Mumbai
  5. Lower Jungle Trail till Highest Point of Gaumukh

  1. Track-pant
  2. Sleeves t-shirt (dry fits or cotton) / Comfortable Shirt
  3. Canvas shoe or trekking shoe
  4. cap or hat
  5. apply sun screen
  6. carry mosquito / insect repellent.

What to carry?

  1. 2 liters water per head (do not carry packaged mineral water; there are restrictions in all national parks regarding the same). Carry water proper PET Bottles or any other branded water bottle.
  2. Carry lite packed brunch / snacks.
  3. Rain wear for emergency during monsoon.
  4. person first aid; general first aid would be carried by the group lead.
  5. Carry all items in backpack.

Nice to have 

(Camera / Binoculars / field guide on nature / birds etc).

Dos and Don'ts 

We follow all rules of eco-tourism (minimum impact tourism)
Avoid causing any damage to flora, fauna and/or any monuments of archaeology and heritage significance. 
No littering.
We take back only memories and leave only footsteps 

Meeting Place: 

SGNP (Inside Main Gate, Borivali East) 

Travel arrangement (Car Pool) and/or Public Transport 

Kindly if you are travelling by your own transport or making a request for car pool.

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